
Content development

A good story

Voice-overs, film scripts, interactive content and other copy are the tip of my work iceberg. The public part. Whether you call it content development or public history or storytelling, it's about translating knowledge and ideas into compelling stories that visitors understand.

And you can take that 'translation' quite literally. Experts usually speak a different language than the audience they want to serve. On top of that, they are often not used to telling their story in a spatial context, and that's where I come in. I begin by distilling a clear and attractive story from the vast quantity of expertise. Next, the story is aligned with the spatial experience. Lastly, precise word choices are made, articulating the story in such a way that the intended audience feels addressed.

Creative concepts

It’s the story, stupid!

The actual construction of an experience or exhibition is often preceded by a long process. Think of fund applications and pitches, but also concepts, sketches and designs. These are aimed at convincing stakeholders or enthusing funds. My role in that design and persuasion process is to (co-)develop a great idea and then put it crystal clear on paper.

 This can be in the shape of a bid book to win a pitch, a master plan to convince local politicians and funds,or a concept to develop together with a client and a creative team. A good concept is original, substantively strong and appeals to the imagination, but it also gives confidence in the technical and financial viability and sustainability.